Our mom always said that you can judge a restaurant by the kind of bread they serve and she was right (as always.) But we’d add one more item to the decision tree, coffee.  Great coffee = great food.  Coffee is delicious and comforting and energizing.  We love it so much that we think it deserves its own Two Sisters’ frosting.  So let us introduce you to our newest homemade icing … The Best Coffee Whipped Cream Frosting.  Light and creamy with the perfect amount of coffee flavoring.  It’s also not too sweet and guess what, it has the consistency of whipped cream!  This one is a keeper.

Our mom always said that you can judge a restaurant by the kind of bread they serve and she was right (as always.) But we’d add one more item to the decision tree, coffee.  Great coffee = great food.  Coffee is delicious and comforting and energizing.  We love it so much that we think it deserves its own Two Sisters’ frosting.  So let us introduce you to our newest homemade icing … The Best Coffee Whipped Cream Frosting.  Light and creamy with the perfect amount of coffee flavoring.  It’s also not too sweet and guess what, it has the consistency of whipped cream!  This one is a keeper.

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