Takoyaki is a signature street food of Osaka, Japan and has become so popular that they can be found all over the streets of Korea, China and Thailand. In fact, there’s even a takoyaki museum in Osaka that’s become a popular destination to get your fix as well as buy octopus themed merchandise. These delicious spheres are made with pieces of octopus that are cooked with a seasoned batter in a special takoyaki pan that makes the outsides crisp while the center remain soft and squishy.

Takoyaki is a signature street food of Osaka, Japan and has become so popular that they can be found all over the streets of Korea, China and Thailand. In fact, there’s even a takoyaki museum in Osaka that’s become a popular destination to get your fix as well as buy octopus themed merchandise. These delicious spheres are made with pieces of octopus that are cooked with a seasoned batter in a special takoyaki pan that makes the outsides crisp while the center remain soft and squishy.

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