Fathead Bagels

Fast-forward to today, and if you do a search for #fathead or #fatheaddough on Instagram or Pinterest, you'll discover that Fathead dough (or Mozzarella Dough, as it's also called) is a staple in the Trim Healthy Mama, Ketogenic, and Low Carb Community because it's easy to make, mildly flavored, and can be manipulated into having a texture like many different types of breads.

Fast-forward to today, and if you do a search for #fathead or #fatheaddough on Instagram or Pinterest, you'll discover that Fathead dough (or Mozzarella Dough, as it's also called) is a staple in the Trim Healthy Mama, Ketogenic, and Low Carb Community because it's easy to make, mildly flavored, and can be manipulated into having a texture like many different types of breads.

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