A traditional carbonara is made with eggs, bacon or pancetta, and cheese (hello cholesterol bomb). So it’s basically just about the least vegan dish there could be… which is why I had so much fun playing around in the kitchen and veganizing it! Not only did I figure out a way to get the creamy blissful sauce and the chewy delicious bites, but this turned out to be a super fast and easy vegan carbonara recipe. Just the way this girl likes it!

A traditional carbonara is made with eggs, bacon or pancetta, and cheese (hello cholesterol bomb). So it’s basically just about the least vegan dish there could be… which is why I had so much fun playing around in the kitchen and veganizing it! Not only did I figure out a way to get the creamy blissful sauce and the chewy delicious bites, but this turned out to be a super fast and easy vegan carbonara recipe. Just the way this girl likes it!

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