18 Gluten-Free Meals to make with Spaghetti Sauce

When I was a kid, I thought spaghetti sauce only came out of a jar. Mom would always buy pre-made spaghetti sauce with heavy Italian seasoning. She'd often chop up mushrooms and vegetables and add her own flair but it maintained an unyieldingly strong, savory scent of fresh basil and thyme. To me, spaghetti sauce was strictly that: spaghetti sauce. It went on spaghetti. We would never put it in a chili or spread it on a pizza or spice up our enchiladas with it. The first time I witnessed Oma making spaghetti was one of the first times I realized that you could adjust the flavor profile of any dish by adding seasonings to your liking. She likes her spaghetti sauce light on the spices, making it versatile and changing it up to her preference for whatever tomato-ey dish she's in the mood for that night. Since witnessing Oma make her spaghetti sauce, it's become an odd fascination of mine to see how different families make theirs. Whether they stick to a jar, season it themselves, add in a Creole zest…families around the world all have their own way of interpreting such a simple concoction.

When I was a kid, I thought spaghetti sauce only came out of a jar. Mom would always buy pre-made spaghetti sauce with heavy Italian seasoning. She'd often chop up mushrooms and vegetables and add her own flair but it maintained an unyieldingly strong, savory scent of fresh basil and thyme. To me, spaghetti sauce was strictly that: spaghetti sauce. It went on spaghetti. We would never put it in a chili or spread it on a pizza or spice up our enchiladas with it. The first time I witnessed Oma making spaghetti was one of the first times I realized that you could adjust the flavor profile of any dish by adding seasonings to your liking. She likes her spaghetti sauce light on the spices, making it versatile and changing it up to her preference for whatever tomato-ey dish she's in the mood for that night. Since witnessing Oma make her spaghetti sauce, it's become an odd fascination of mine to see how different families make theirs. Whether they stick to a jar, season it themselves, add in a Creole zest…families around the world all have their own way of interpreting such a simple concoction.

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